Wicked Sound

Have you ever wondered how the acoustics differ between watching Wicked in a live theatre and at a movie theater? Each offers a unique listening experience. Think of a movie theater as a carefully tuned surround sound system where the experience is consistent every time, whereas a performing arts theatre presents the uniqueness of live performance.

Acoustically, the two venue types have some common aspects such as low background noise and sound isolation. However, they are significantly different in the approach to room acoustics, in live theatres these spaces are designed to support and project the sound from the actors or musicians on the stage. A film theater is designed to be free of acoustical support and rely on the programmed material from the sound system.

We have designed both types of spaces and no matter how you prefer to experience Wicked, DLAA can help design your space to bring your audience from Kansas to Oz.

Let us help you peek behind the curtain on your next project.

At D.L. Adams Associates, sound is our business.  Contact us to learn how we can help you with your next project.