Cost Effective Acoustical Solutions for All Your Environmental Industrial Transportation Needs.

DLAA - D L ADAMS ASSOCIATES Acoustical consulting expertise in noise control, vibration.  Whether a factory, rail, road or air, transportation.

Oil Rig Acoustical Environmental Impact Studies
Plan passing over a house. D.L. Adams Associates performed OINR measurements and calculations on several houses that are in proximity to the airport.
DENVER INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT VOICE PAGING SYSTEM, Denver, Colorado DLAA, D L ADAMS ASSOCIATES, environmental, industrial, transportation, acoustical design consulting, USA
Union Pacific has been building America for more than 150 years and remains a trusted mainstay on America's landscape; however, heavy rail transport can generate noise that affects nearby residents. DLAA - D L ADAMS ASSOCIATE team of acoustic consultants offers professional services in acoustics, noise, and vibration for a wide range of scenarios and industries throughout the USA, and the rest of the world.
Valmont Power Station Noise-impact-assessment-and Study by DLAA, D L ADAMS ASSOCIATES, environmental, industrial, transportation, acoustical design consulting, USA
HART Rail Transit, Honolulu, Hawaii
KAHUKU WIND FARM, Kahuku, Hawaii


D L Adams Associates is an independent acoustical consulting firm specializing in environmental noise,  noise impact assessments, comprehensive sound surveys, noise monitoring, occupational noise exposure mapping and assessments, transportation and traffic noise assessments, real-time long term noise monitoring, aggregate operations noise assessment and monitoring and practical noise solutions for your project.

Sustainability, noise impact assessments and environmental life-cycle assessment of transportation services dominate the decision-making process of all environmental, industrial and Transportation decisions.

What is environmental sound and how can it be measured?

From the buzz of industrial facilities, to the roar of rooftop mechanical equipment, to the hum of nearby roadway or airport traffic, excessive noise is increasingly being considered an environmental pollutant and can seriously impact the health and well-being of both humans and animals. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and health (OSHA) continued exposure to noise levels above 85dB(adjusted) can result in hearing loss. Workplace noise can interfere with communication, resulting in accidents as well as contribute to reduced productivity.

Noise Pollution (sometimes called ambient noise) is the background sound pressure level at a given location relative to an established reference level before the offending noise source was introduced. Unlike other pollutants, Noise pollution must be measured at the moment at which it occurs, since it leaves no residue or characteristics.

Environmental noise testing specialists provide long and short term measurements using sophisticated sound level meters that record day and night sound conditions. They then analyze the data based on context, expectations and circumstances and provide expert-level noise reduction recommendations based on federal or state required environmental impact studies (EIS).

Situations which often require Noise Level testing and assessment include:

  • Noise impact studies in planning new or existing highways, housing developments, commercial developments, industrial plants, construction sites and airports.
  • Workplace hearing, conservation and noise control programs.
  • Investigating ground and structure-borne vibration assessments including HVAC vibration noise.
  • Short and long-term environmental noise monitoring.
  • Environmental acoustics including the design of noise barriers and noise enclosures.


DLAA Your Environmental – Industrial – Transportation – Acoustical Experts  

Act Now For all Your Acoustical Needs

Denver 303-455-1900  Hawaii 808-254-3318