D. L. Adams Associates has been engaged by the Guam International Airport Authority (GIAA) to provide noise assessment and abatement for residences within the DNL 65 dBA and higher noise contours around the Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport in Guam. We are working closely with Guam-based firms, EMPSCO-Engineering Consultants and Albert H. Tsutsui, AIA, Inc. The project requires us to conduct noise measurements inside and outside of a sampling of the various housing types (i.e., concrete, CMU, wood-framed, etc.), to develop recommendations for reducing the interior noise levels due to aircraft noise, and to conduct follow-up sound insulation measurements after implementation of the recommendations. The measurements must be conducted in conformance with FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5020-1 and/or AC 150-5000-9A.